Subject Code: CE6L006 Name: Construction Project Management L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credit: 3
Prerequisite: None
Principles of Project Management, Project Planning, Introduction to scheduling -work/project break down structures, Bar-charts; Principles of application of CPM and PERT; Precedence Method; Updating; Time - cost tradeoffs, Resource constrained scheduling; Resource levelling Project control; Performance Measurement, Earned value; Multiple Construction Projects; Other network techniques; Project Management Software Packages.

Text/Reference Books:
  1. Jha N. K. Construction Project Management, Pearson.
  2. Williams T. Construction Management, Pearson.
  3. Chitkara K. Construction Project Management Techniques and Practice, McGraw-Hill.
  4. Peurifoy, Schexnayder and Shapira. Construction Planning, equipments and Methods, McGraw-Hill.