Subject Code: CE6L002 Name: Urban Transportation  System Planning L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credit: 3
Prerequisite: None
Fundamentals of transportation system planning, transportation system planning process, Characteristics of Travel and urban transportation system, Demand theory and supply theory of transportation system, Steps of urban travel demand forecasting- trip generation, trip distribution, modal split and trip assignment, basics of urban transportation network, tour/activity-based travel demand model, land use transport model, urban mass transportation, urban goods movement, parking in urban area.

Text/Reference Books:
  1. Kadiyali L. R., Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning, Khanna.
  2. Ortuzar J. D. and Williumsen L. G., Modelling Transport, Technology and Engineering.
  3. Hutchinson B. G. Principles of Urban Transport System Planning, Scripta.