Settlement and bearing capacity: shallow spread footings, mats, and deep foundations; Foundation models, contact pressure distribution for footings, rafts, piles; Retaining Structures; Soil-structure interaction studies; Case studies.
Text/Reference Books:
- Das B. M. Principles of Foundation Engineering, Cengage Learning.
- Budhu M. Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Wiley.
- Coduto D. P. Foundation design: Principles and Practices, Prentice Hill.
- Holts R. D. and Kovacs W. D. An introduction Geotechnical Engineering, Prentice Hall.
- Das B. M. Shallow Foundations: Bearing Capacity and Settlement, CRC Press.
- Tomilson M. J. Foundation Design and Construction, Pearson.
- Poulos H. G. and Davis E. H. Pile Foundation Analysis and Design, Wiley.
- Salgado R. The Engineering of Foundations, Tata McGraw-Hill.