Introduction to mineral processing plant design, Feasibility study
Sampling and its importance, Ore/mineral characterization tests, Ore Mineralogy and its importance, Mineral processing laboratory tests and interpretation of test results
Crushing and screening tests and evaluation of test results, Crushing and screening circuits, Size reduction circuit design and equipment selection, Sizing crushers and screens, Developments in modelling and simulation of comminution circuits
Grinding and classification circuits, Mass balance calculations, Properties of mills and grinding media, Critical speed and its importance, Selection criteria and sizing of various types of mills (ball, rod, autogenous mills etc.).
Work index, work index determination, operational work index
Classification equipment. Evaluation of the performance of classifiers, Selection and sizing of hydro-cyclones and Mechanical Classifiers, Sizing and selection of pumps
Development of process flow sheet for comminution and classification units
Concentration circuits, Selection and sizing of concentration equipment (gravity, magnetic, electrostatic separators), Separation efficiency
Flotation circuits, Cell/column design, Selection of flotation reagents,
Equipment for solid-liquid separation and their properties, Sizing and selection of dewatering equipment (thickener, filters etc.), On-line analysis and automation in mineral processing plants
Investment and operating cost calculations, Methods for estimation of major equipment cost, Feasibility report
Auxiliary equipment selection and design, selection and sizing of pump, transportation of pulp, Tailing ponds and reclamation, Dust collecting systems and dust collectors
Modern mineral processing planning, Problems and uncertainties in mineral processing plant design, Future of mineral processing planning
Environmental Impact Assessment, Occupational health and safety; and
Examples of some mineral processing plants, Project presentation |
Texts/Reference Books:
- Mineral Processing Technology, B.A. Wills, T.J. Napier-Munn, Pub.: Elsevier Science &Technology Books, 7th Edition, 2008.
- Mineral Beneficiation: A Concise Basic Course, D.V. Subba Rao, Pub.: CRC Press, 2011.
- Introduction to Mineral Processing, E.G. Kelly and D.J. Spottiswood, Pub.: Wiley, 1982.
- Principles of Mineral Processing, M.C. Fuerstenau, Pub.: Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, 2003.
- N. L. Weiss, SME Mineral Processing Handbook, Volumes 1 and 2, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc., Littleton, CO, ISBN 0-89520-433-6, 1985.Vol.5, 2012.