Bomb Calorimetry: Determination of heat of combustion of fuel, Specific heat capacity calculation etc.
Reduction of Oxides (Equilibrium Composition):Ellingham Diagrams, Metallothermic and Carbothermic reduction
Sieverts Apparatus (PCT curves):Hydrogen storage in Alloys ( FeTi, etc)
DSC/TGA :Thermal decomposition of Calcium Carbonate, Roasting of Pyrites
Concentration Cell (Oxygen Sensor, Activity Measurements): Oxygen Sensors its use in evaluating dissolved gases in liquid metals
Copper Electrodeposition: Reduction potential determination and concepts of anode and cathodes and electrochemistry
HSC or Thermocalc software: Equilibrium Compositions, Ellingham diagrams, Reactions Equations and the feasibility. |
Text/Reference Books:
1. Richard A. Swalin, Thermodynamics of Solids, Wiley-VCH;
2. David R. Gaskell ,Introduction to Thermodynamics of Materials, CRC Press; 5 edition
3. L. Darken and R.W.Gurry ,Physical Chemistry of Metals, McGraw- Hill, New York
4. David Ragone, Thermodynamics of Materials, Wiley, MIT Series Publication |