Review of Elementary Mechanics of Materials, Methods of Analysis, Stress – Strain Relations, Failure and Limits on Design. Analysis of Stress and Strain: Definition of Stress at a point, Stress Notation, Symmetry of the stress Array on an Arbitrarily Oriented plane, Transformation of Stress, Principal Stresses, and Other Properties, Differential Equations of Motion of a Deformable Body, Deformation of a Deformable body, Strain Theory, Transformation of Strain, and Principal Strains, Small – Displacement Theory, Strain Measurements and Strain Rosettes. Theories of Failure or Yield Criteria: General Concepts. Applications of Energy Methods. Bending of Straight Beams, Shear Center for Thin – Wall Beam Cross Sections, Curved Beams, Axisymmetric Problems, Torsion and Elastic Stability.
Introduction to Fatigue, Creep and Fracture. |
Text/Reference Books:
- Boresi A.P., and Schmidt R.J., Advanced Mechanics of Solids, Willey.
- Srinath L.S., Advanced Mechanics of Solids, Tata McGraw – Hill.
- Timoshenko S.P., Strength of Materials - (Part 1 & 2), CBS Publishers.
- Timoshenko S.P., and Goodier J.N., Theory of Elasticity, Tata McGraw – Hill.
- Johnston E.R., Beer F.P., Dewolf J.T., and Mazurek D.F., Mechanics of Materials (In SI units) –Tata McGraw – Hill.
- Hibbeler R.C., Mechanics of Materials (In SI units), Pearson Education.
- Popov E.P., Engineering Mechanics of Solids, Prentice-Hall.