Introduction: - Analysis & Synthesis, Terminology, Definition, Types of Mechanism(Planner, Spatial), Mobility, Classification of Mechanisms, Inversions Movability Criteria.
Position Analysis - Graphical Method. Analytical Method. Velocity Analysis- Graphical Method, Analytical Method. Instant Centers of Velocity. Acceleration Analysis- Graphical Method, Analytical Method.
Design of Mechanism:- Cam Design: - Introduction, classification of cams & followers. Displacement diagram, Graphical layout of cam profiles, standard cam motions. Gears - Terminology and definition, fundamental law of gearing, Involute properties, interference and Undercutting, Content Ratio, Involumetry, Types of Gears. Gear Train - Simple and Compound Gear Train, Epicyclic Gear Train, Analysis of Planetary Gear by formula and tabular Method, Differentials. Synthesis of linkages- Type, Number and Dimensional Synthesis Function Generation, Path Generation, Two, Three and Four Position Synthesis, Precision Positions, Structural Error, Chebyshev Spacing, Frudenstein’s Equation.
Dynamics of Machines: - Static Force - Introduction, Analysis with & without formation, Methodology of Virtual Work. Dynamic Force Analysis - Introduction, Inertia Forces & D. Alembert’s Principle, Principle of Superposition, Shaking forces & moments, Complex Algebra Approach. Dynamics of reciprocating Engines - Engine types, Indicator Diagrams, Dynamic Analysis, Equivalent Masses, Inertia Forces, Crankshaft torques, Engine Shaking Forces. Fly Wheel -Dynamic Theory, Integration Techniques, Multicylinder Engine Torque Summation.
Text/Reference Books:
- Norton R.L., Design of Machinery, McGraw-Hill.
- Myszka D.H., Machines and Mechanisms: Applied Kinematic Analysis, Prentice Hall.
- Bevan T., Theory of Machines, CBS Publishers & Distributors, Delhi.
- Shigley J.E., and Uicker J.J., Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, McGraw Hill, Inc.
- Ghosh A., and Malik A.K., Theory of Machines and Mechanism, East-West Press.
- Wilson C.E., and Sandler J.P., Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, Pearson Education.