Resistance, Internal Inductance and External inductance, Inductance of a Single Phase Two Wire Line, Composite-Conductors, Three Phase Lines, Capacitance of a Two Wire Line, Capacitance of a Three Phase Lines, Effect of Earth on the Capacitance, Capacitance Calculations for Bundled Conductors; Representation of Short, Medium (PI and T network) and Long transmission lines, The Equivalent Circuit of a Long Line, Regulation and Efficiency, ABCD parameters, Reactive power Compensation of Transmission Line, Ferranti Effect, Corona loss.
Centenary curve, Sag tension calculation, Supports at different levels, Equivalent Span, Conductor Configuration, Spacing and Clearances, Factors affecting Sag, Sag Template, , Conductor Vibration; Insulators and Voltage Distribution over Insulator String, String Efficiency, Insulator Failure, Testing of Insulators, Classification of Cables, Grading of Cables, Capacitance of single Core Cable; Per unit calculation and equivalent circuit, Significance of sequence components, sequence impedance and sequence Network for single line-to-Ground fault, Line to ground fault with resistance. |
Text Books:
- John J. Grainger & W. D. Stevenson, Jr, “Power System Analysis”, Tata Mcgraw-Hill, 2003 Edition, 15th Reprint, 2010.
- Stephen J Chapman, “Electric Machinery and Power System Fundamentals”, Mc Graw Hill, International Edition, 2002.