Introduction, general overview, types of satellite communications systems, historical developments, Link budgets: antennas, propagation, noise, c0/n0, c/n calculation, transmitters, propagation and rain, receivers, lnas, figure of merit, total system performance; Orbital mechanics: basic equations, special orbits, geometry and movement , constellations, real world effects; Rf and licensing issues : spectrum allocations, modulation, multiplexing, multiple access
Current and future trends; Spectrum sharing, additional noise issues, interference and coordination, telemetry and tracking, power limitations, reliability. |
Text/Reference Books:
- T. Pratt, C. Bostian and J. Allnutt, “Satellite Communications,” 2nd Edition, Wiley India, 2006.
- W. L. Pritchart, H. G. Suyderhoud and R. A. Nelson, “Satellite Communication Systems Engineering,” 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2012.
- G. Gordon and W. Morgan, “Principles of Communications Satellites,”
- D. I. Dalgleish “An Introduction to Satellite Communications,” IET Publisher, ISBN: 0863411320, 9780863411328
- D. Roddy, “ Satellite Communication,” Tata McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN: 0070077851, 9780070077850