Introduction to photonics networks, bandwidth management, internet growth, topology, osi reference model, photonic system technologies and issues, tdm and wdm multiplexing and demultiplexing. Routing. Wavelength blocking and conversion, Photonic network topologies and architectures, modulation and demodulation techniques, modulation related effects & nonlinear optical effects, photonic components, signal amplification and regeneration, link budget, network technologies and issues, Photonic network components: multiplexer/demultiplexer, switches/routers, cross connectors-converter, Network protocols: ip, g-ethernet, sdh/sonet, fddi, atm, etc., System performance and management, dispersion management, ber & sources of noise, power budgets; optical switching & routing, network safety, regulations & standards, current issues of photonic systems.
Text / Reference Books:
- G. Prati “Photonic Networks: Advances in Optical Communications” Springer Verlag, 1997, ISBN:9783540761433.
- R. Ramaswami and K.N.Sivarajan, Optical networks: A practical perspective 2nd ed, Morgan Kaufman, ISBN 1-55860-655-6.
- U. Black, Optical Networks: Third Generation Transport Systems, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-060726-6
- R. Sabella, P. Lugli, “High speed optical communications,” Kluwer, ISBN: 9780412802201.