Logic gates – AND, OR, NOT, XOR, XNOR, NAND, NOR. combinational logic circuits. Switching functions, Boolean algebra – axioms and laws, minimization of switching functions – algebraic method, K-map, Quine-McCluskey’s method; Number systems & representation – binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal, code conversion of numbers. Addition and subtraction of binary and decimal numbers; Comparators, multiplexer-demultiplexer, codes and code conversion, PLA; Universal logic gates – NAND-NOR, circuit realization; TTL logic family – circuit operations, fan-in and fan-out, noise margin, tri-state, open-collector circuits; CMOS – circuit operations, fan-in and fan-out, noise margin; TTL-to-CMOS and CMOS-to-TTL interfacing; IC555 chip circuit operation and applications; Astable, monostable, bistable multivibrators – discrete component and IC555 based circuits; Different types of flip-flops – RS, JK, D and T flip-flops; gated, master-slave and edge triggered flip-flops; Different types of Registers; Counters - asynchronous and synchronous counters, design of synchronous counters with any specified sequence; Finite state machine – Moore and Mealey models – examples; Synchronous sequential circuit synthesis: state transition diagrams, state tables, minimization, state assignments, realization with different types of flip-flops; Analysis of synchronous sequential circuits; Concepts of asynchronous sequential circuits - races. |
Text Books:
- S. Lee, “Digital Circuits and Logic Design” Prentice Hall India.
- D. P. Leach, A. P. Malvino and G. Saha, “Digital Principles and Applications,” Tata McGraw Hill.
- M. Morris Mano, “Digital Logic and Computer Design,” Prentice Hall.
Reference Books:
- Z. Kohavi and N. K. Jha, “Switching and Finite Automata Theory,” Tata McGraw Hill.