Concrete dams, force and stress analysis for components like piers, bridges and trash rack and their reinforcement detailing; stress analysis around galleries, adits and shafts and reinforcement provisions; integrated stability analysis of concrete dams considering foundation rock; construction methods for concrete dams. Embankment dams, seepage analysis (finding the phreatic line) for different types of embankment dams; seepage control measures for embankment dams; construction methods for embankment dams. Spillways and energy dissipators design of ogee spillways; calculations for chute spillway profiles; flow characteristics of shaft and syphon spillways; types of energy dissipators, their selection and dimensioning; flow characteristics of radial gates; introduction to relevant BIS codes and guidelines. Barrages - design of barrage structure and canal head regulator; construction methods for barrages. Irrigation structures, Canals, cross drainage works, falls and energy dissipators. |