River basins; erosion from river catchments and its transportation by rivers; classification of streams, delta, alluvial fans, point bars, etc.; hydraulic geometry and plan form of alluvial rivers; features of gravel bed rivers; bed level changes in streams sedimentation on the upstream and degradation on the downstream of dams and barrages; morphology of some Indian rivers; river flow measurement techniques; stream gauging and analysis of rating curves (hydrometry); dynamics of tidal rivers and estuarine flows; mathematical models for sediment transport and pollutant transport in rivers; introduction to software packages for river flow, sediment and pollutant transport; riverbank erosion mechanisms; direct bank erosion protection methods (use of fascine mattresses; geosynthetics; other [hard] options); indirect bank erosion protection methods (flow deflection using spurs, groynes, etc. and their possible ill effects); foundations for bridges across rivers; river training works (guide bunds) for bridges and barrages. |