Nature and characteristics of industrial wastes; Prevention versus control of industrial pollution; Linkage between technology and pollution prevention; Tools for clean processes, reuse, recycle, recovery, source reduction, raw material substitution, toxic use reduction and process modifications; Unit operations in separation technology; Separation technologies as tools for waste minimization. Process optimization for cleaner industrial processes; Flow sheet analysis; Energy and resource (material and water) audits for efficient usage and conservation; Waste audits, emission inventories and waste management hierarchy for process industries; Thermodynamic constraints to waste minimization; Holistic and critical technology assessment; Environmental performance indicators; Concept of industrial ecology and symbiosis of eco-parks. Case studies on industrial applications of cleaner technologies in chemical, metallurgical, pulp and paper, textile, electroplating, leather, dairy, cement and other industries. |
Text/Reference Books:
- Bishop P.E.Pollution Prevention: Fundamentals and Practice, McGraw Hill.
- Freeman H.M.Industrial Pollution Prevention Handbook, McGraw Hill, 1995.
- Allen D.T. and Rosselot K.S.Pollution Prevention for Chemical Processes, John Wiley.
- Allen D.T., Bakshani N. and Rosselot K.S.Pollution Prevention: Homework and Design Problems for Engineering Curricula, American Institute for Pollution Prevention.
- Johansson A.Clean Technology, Lewis Publishers.
- Theodore L. and McGuinn Y.C.Pollution Prevention, Van Nostrand Reinhold, NewYork.
- Asolekar S.R. and Gopichandran R.Preventive Environmental Management - An Indian Perspective, Foundation Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (The Indian Association of Cambridge University Press, UK).