Concept of sustainability in water and waste management, Water Conservation, Rainwater Harvesting: Roof water harvesting, technology, quality, health issues, Groundwater recharge, techniques, case studies, Water tariff, sustainable water management. Decentralised wastewater treatment systems, Reliability and cost effectiveness of wastewater systems, Tertiary treatment, process selection, granular- medium filtration, micro screening, removal of toxic compounds and refractory organics, removal of dissolved inorganic substances, Natural Wastewater Treatment Systems, Natural and constructed wetlands, different types, Mechanisms, performance, design, case studies. Land treatment systems. Wastewater reuse and reclamation. Rural water supply and sanitation, Low-cost sanitation, Dry sanitation methods, Pit latrines, VIP latrines, Aquaprivy, septic tank, Organic solid waste management techniques, Composting/vermicomposting, biogas technology, plasma technology. |
Text/Reference Books:
- Ahluwalia P. and Nema A.K.Water and Wastewater Systems: Source, Treatment, Conveyance and Disposal, S. K. Kataria & Sons.
- Arceivala S.J. and Asolekar S.R.Wastewater Treatment for Pollution Control and Reuse, Tata McGraw Hill.
- Cites R.W., Middlebrooks E.J. and Reed S.C.Natural Wastewater Treatment Systems, CRC Taylor and Francis.
- Cairncross S. and Feachem R.Environmental Health Engineering in the Tropics, John Wiley & Sons.
- Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering- Treatment and Reuse (Revised by Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F. L. and Stensel, H. D.), Tata McGraw Hill.