Air pollution: Pollutants, their sources, harmful effects on environment, metrology and atmospheric diffusion of pollutants, dispersion modeling, air sampling and pollutant measurement methods, ambient air quality and emission standards, control, removal of gaseous pollutants, particulate emission control, control of automobile pollution.
Solid waste management: Engineering principles; Sources, Composition and Properties of Municipal Solid Waste, Onsite handling, storage and processing, Collection, Transfer and transport, Recovery of resources, Conversion products and energy, Disposal of solid waste including sanitary landfill. Introduction to biomedical and hazardous waste management.
Text/Reference Books:
- Peavy H.S., Rowe D.R. and Tchobanoglous G.Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill International Ed.
- Rao M.N.Air Pollution, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
- Garg S.K.Sewage Disposal and Air Pollution Engineering, Khanna Publication.
- Nevers N.D. Air Pollution Control Engineering, Mc. Graw Hill International Ed.
- Tchobanoglous G., Theisen H. and Vigil S.A.Integrated Solid Waste Management: Principles and Management Issues, McGraw Hill Book Company.
- LaGrega M.D., Buckingham P.L. and Evans J.C. Hazardous Waste Management, McGraw-Hill International Editions.
- Martin E.J. and Johnson J.H.Hazardous Waste Management Engineering, van Nostrand-Reinhold.
- Wentz C.A.Hazardous Waste Management, McGraw Hill.
- Wark K., Warner C.F. and Davis W. Air Pollution Its Origin and Control, Harper and Row.
- Griffin R.D.Principles of Air Quality Management, CRC Press.